In a world of technology and computers, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is becoming a more frequent occurrence. This syndrome is caused when there is increased or continuous pressure on the nerves of the wrist. Additionally, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is very common when there is a neck misalignment, history of auto or sports injuries, or other spinal conditions. The nerves on the neck control all the nerves on our hands and arms and when they are compressed, wrist and hand pain is likely to occur.
At BeFit Chiro, our expert chiropractors are highly trained to determine whether the conditions you’re experiencing is true Carpal Tunnel Syndrome or not. Treatment of this can consist of physical therapy or chiropractic manipulation of the wrist.
In more serious cases, surgery may be necessary. No matter the case, our chiropractors are here to assist you and lead you to a pain-free life in the most effective and efficient way possible.