Therapeutic Ultrasound is a technique and device utilized when a patient has injuries pertaining to most soft tissues, joints, and also muscle spasms. “Ultrasound”, in this sense, pertains to the emission of small sound waves that are at an extremely high frequency, out of range of human hearing, not screening the internal body.
When therapeutic ultrasound is administered to the problem areas of a patient in their soft tissues and joints, it produces a heat that aids in reducing any inflammation that the patient has. In doing this, the ultrasound also increases blood flow, decreasing pain, any stiffness, and spasms that may be experienced previously.
At BeFit Chiro, we use a ‘wand’ that emits an ultrasound that is passed across the areas of your skin that you are experiencing pain or discomfort. In order to reduce any friction, like a traditional ultrasound, our experts do apply a gel that also acts to allow for better transmission of the ultrasound waves.
Therapeutic ultrasound has been shown to facilitate the body’s healing process at the most basic cellular level. Contact our office today to discuss whether therapeutic ultrasound may be beneficial to you on your road to recovery.