People think that if you follow a low-calorie diet you will “lose weight anyway”. They are correct, but you will not lose the same weight in the same manner as you would, with this program. Your goal is to lose abnormal fat, not just weight.
Just by simply following a low-calorie diet, you will be left fatigued and irritable and within a few days you will start to retain water due to being protein deficient. It is important to remember that you are getting 1,000 to 2,000 calories from your fat each day (one pound of fat contains approximately 3,000 calories), which is why you will not be hungry even though you are following a low-calorie diet.
The plan includes selected all-natural supplements, and vitamins unique to our program. These supplements are non-GMO, free of artificial ingredients and unnecessary fillers. They are all made in the USA in FDA inspected facilities.
This will work for you if you follow the protocol’s specific foods and proprietary supplements as advised. We have seen thousands of success cases with people who have done amazingly well with the SOZA Weightloss® program.
What makes SOZA Different
The program is based on eating every day healthy foods. It concentrates on foods that are high in nutrition and conducive to weight loss. The aim of the plan is to use stored, unwanted body fat for energy resulting in healthy weight loss.
There are no costly pre-packaged foods to buy. We know eating real foods is more sustainable and will help maintain weight loss. It is an easy to manage system! No calorie counting or weighing of food portions are required. Instead, the focus is on learning what to eat to lose, and then maintain weight loss.
Patients will consume nutrient-dense foods while eating 4-6 small meals and snacks daily, comprised of an abundance of vegetables, lean proteins and fruit.
The SOZA weight loss program provides many benefits. As anyone who has done a crash diet can tell you, weight lost through food deprivation or starvation is weight destined to return. This is not a crash diet. The popular belief many people have of “calories in-equals calories out” is simply not the factor in weight loss and obesity. Continuous calorie restriction almost always backfires because your body thinks it’s starving, so your brain sets off a chain of chemical processes, ultimately slowing down the body’s metabolism. A sluggish metabolism, however, allows the body to store more fat. It can be an extremely frustrating and disheartening struggle to lose even a single pound despite making healthy food choices and exercising regularly.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
This website provides weight loss information and is only intended to assist users in their personal weight loss efforts. Nothing contained in this website is medical advice or diagnosis nor should any information in this website be construed as such. Individual weight loss results, amount and time duration will vary.